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CompleX Group Interactions (XGI)

Speaker: Nicholas Landry


Abstract: CompleX Group Interactions (XGI) is a library for higher-order networks, which model interactions of arbitrary size between entities in a complex system. This library provides methods for building hypergraphs (undirected and directed) and simplicial complexes; algorithms to analyze their structure, visualize them, and simulate dynamical processes on them; and XGI-DATA, a collection of higher-order datasets. XGI is implemented in pure Python and integrates with the rest of the Python scientific stack. XGI is designed and developed by network scientists with the needs of network scientists in mind. We demonstrate this library’s effectiveness by describing an example XGI workflow: first, choosing a higher-order dataset; second, extracting basic global statistics; third, calculating structural measures such as connectedness, assortativity, and centrality; third, converting higher-order datasets to different mathematical representations; fourth, leveraging the statistics module to filter the dataset; and lastly, visualizing the higher-order networks in various ways.
